Tag Archives: systemd

systemd integration in the “ps” command

In Debian, since version 2:3.3.10-1, the procps package has the systemd integration bits enabled. This means that now the “ps” command can display which (user) unit has started a process or to which slice or scope it belongs.

For example with the following command:

ps  -eo pid,user,command,unit,uunit,slice


Debian GNOME/systemd sprint

Last weekend was a pretty busy weekend as we had our first joined Debian GNOME/systemd sprint.  10 people gathered at my employer office Inuits in Antwerp to work together on GNOME and systemd integration in Debian.

I worked mainly on GNOME packages, helping with transitions and packaging new bits for the GNOME 3.12 release. We also discussed a lot of things like the switch of the team repository from svn to git and the version of GNOME that we are planning to ship in Jessie.

I really think this was a very constructive sprint and such event should happen more often, we already planned to do this again near the release of 3.14.

The full log of the sprint can be found at: https://lists.debian.org/debian-devel-announce/2014/05/msg00001.html